Thursday, October 26, 2023

Monsoon Plants and Monsoon Gardening Tips


Monsoon weather is the best time to grow new plants. The humidity and temperature are a suitable combination for plant conditioning and help the roots nourish and grow. The plants also absorb moisture lost during summer. While all seems blissful, monsoon also calls for extra care for your plants, from fertilizer use to watering. 

 Experts at Ratanshi Agro-Hortitech point out five essential things to take care of your plants in this monsoon and monsoon garden plant suggestions.

  • Avoid overwatering

 Monsoon showers can be a hassle, but in the end, you know one good thing about it? Well, they can spare you from watering as there are times when they have already done that for you. 

 So, if you are the kind that heads for that hose every evening, perhaps you need to stop. Enjoy the breaks the monsoons give you and avoid overwatering your plants.


  • Ensure adequate drainage

 Every gardener must make sure they’re rid of excess water. Ensure your grower pots have adequate drainage holes to prevent water pooling near the base. This practice is not only beneficial during monsoon but throughout the year. It protects the plants from root rot, bacteria, and fungus.


  • Keep a check on infections!

 Infections are what you are perhaps already preparing for once it’s monsoons. Stunted growth due to bugs, leaf patches due to rose black spot fungus, and rice blast fungus decay are just a few indicators to keep an eye on. 

But how do we deal with this? 

 Well, that depends on the kind of plant infection. For more information, always consult a reputed plant nursery online like Ratanshi Agro-Hortitech. The plant nursery in Byculla offers a range of organic and in-organic fungicides and insecticides.


  • Adequate ventilation

 Plants require adequate ventilation to remain moist and maintain the right amount of humidity. Indoor plants often face ventilation issues. Try placing the plants near windows (in the case of indoor plants), so they get fresh air essential for photosynthesis.


  • Pruning

 Gardeners need to prune plants at the start of the monsoon for healthy plants, and more so in the monsoons. The practice of pruning lowers the occurrence of diseases, boosts yield, rejuvenates plants, prevents infections from insects, and improves their aesthetics.


Top monsoon plants to grow this monsoon

 Flowers act as a perfect way to elevate gloomy monsoon moods. These colorful beauties please the eyes when the atmosphere is full of dark clouds. Following are some of the plants available at any plant nursery in Mumbai that are suitable for monsoon weather.


Jasmine or Crape Jasmine (Tagar) Plant 

 The jasmine plant is a perennial with an enticing fragrance. It finds application in manufacturing essential oils. Also known as mogra, the plant is also used for worship. These flowers greatly thrive in the monsoons. The leading plant nursery in Mumbai, Ratanshi Agro-Hortitech, offers an alternative to jasmine, the Crape Jasmine (Tagar) plant.


  • Aloe Vera

Apart from flowering plants, succulents like aloe vera are the best plant to grow during monsoon. It is a household plant with tender, thick leaves tapering towards the ends. It acts as an air cleanser and also offers multiple medicinal benefits. In addition, the plant requires minimal maintenance, making it perfect for lazy monsoons. The plant can even grow indoors and requires only three or four hours of sunlight.


Get working on your monsoon garden now with Ratanshi Agro-Hortitech 

There are a plethora of flowers and plants that you can consider in this monsoon season. With the above monsoon plant care tips, experts at Ratanshi Agro-Hortitech ensure you have a healthy and flourishing garden this monsoon. 


One can also buy varieties of monsoon plants at Ratanshi Agro-Hortitech, a leading plant nursery in Byculla, Mumbai. The nursery also offers an extensive range of plant seeds, from floral plants and vegetables to herbs. They also feature pots and planters, gardening tools and equipment, potting mediums, rose fertilizers, and more. 

Monday, October 23, 2023

Health Benefits of Carrots Grown at Home

Carrots are the ultimate veggies that are tasty and provide extensive health benefits. These root veggies are a part of many foods and can be eaten cooked and raw. These veggies are a part of salads, soups, main courses, desserts, and more. Carrots are full of beta-carotene, minerals, vitamins, and more. The carrot vegetable is great for the eyes. Given their extensive benefits, it is beneficial to grow carrots using carrot seeds at home. Carrots can be grown throughout the year, making them a perfect addition to your home garden. The following article describes the health benefits of carrots grown at home using high-quality carrot seeds, available at a plant nursery like Ratanshi Agro-Hortitech.



Health Benefits of Carrots

The nutrition profile of carrots makes it a health powerhouse. The following are the benefits of carrot vegetable:


  • Enhances vision: It is one of the top known benefits of carrots as they can help with vitamin A deficiency with their beta-carotene content, ultimately improving vision.
  • Acts as an immunity booster: Carrots have high vitamin C content, making them perfect for enhancing immunity and aiding the healing process.
  • Enhances digestion: Carrots are a great fiber source, making them help issues like constipation. The vegetable helps to smoothen bowel movement by improving gastric juice secretion and peristaltic motion, ultimately preventing stomach or colon issues.
  • Improves skin health: The root vegetables grown using carrot seeds, available at a plant nursery near you, can help improve skin health. It aids treatment of skin issues like rashes, dermatitis, and acne due to their antioxidants. Moreover, the beta-carotene in these veggies healing skin blemishes and scars.
  • Reduces sugar levels: Carrots can help lower sugar content in the blood due to their beta-carotene content. It also helps prevent Type-2 diabetes or conditions due to high blood sugar content. The carotenoid content in the vegetable lowers insulin resistance, reducing sugar content in the blood.
  • Prevents heart issues: Daily consumption of carrots can reduce cholesterol, preventing heart diseases.
  • Lowers blood pressure: Carrots are known to lower blood pressure with their potassium content. Carrot vegetable works as a vasodilator to lower blood pressure in the veins and arteries, ultimately improving blood circulation.
  • Supports weight loss: These root vegetables are rich in nutrients and help you feel full for a long time. They are great options for individuals on a diet or looking to lose weight. One can eat them as a snack or a salad when hungry.


Why should you grow carrots at home using organic carrot seeds?

Carrots can be grown using carrot seeds, available at a plant nursery in Mumbai. They can be grown through the year. If you are still looking for reasons to grow carrot vegetables at home, here are some more reasons:


  • Carrots grow in all climates

Carrots are grown throughout the year in diverse climates and temperatures. The best time to grow these veggies is in spring and fall. 

  • Carrots do not require a lot of effort to grow

Carrots are an easy-to-grow vegetable and do not require a lot of effort. These vegetables can be grown in grower pots using organic seeds online in India by soaking them overnight and then potting them. Carrots need full sunlight (6 to 8 hours), high-quality pot mix, and compost for a healthy harvest.


  • Carrots are available in multiple varieties 

Carrots are available in different varieties. One can select from extensive varieties available at a plant nursery in Mumbai. They are available in different colors and sizes. 



 Carrots are a great vegetable to grow at home and reap extensive health benefits. Adding these vegetables to your diet will help your skin, eyes, and overall health. If you want to know how to grow carrots in your home garden, refer to the guide from Ratanshi Agro-Hortitech today.

Monday, October 16, 2023

How Does Gardening Look Like in Winter?

Winter is here, and for most of us with green fingers, Christmas time also brings its share of worry as we do all we can to protect our plants. And the fact that you’re reading this article tells us that you are one among them, aren’t you?

live plants online in Mumbai

So, there you go experts at Ratanshi Agro-Hortitech present a winter gardening article just for you! Here are a few things to look into while winter gardening to better care for our plants so you can go ahead and enjoy Christmas to the fullest without thinking about your plants. But before heading to the tips here are a few benefits of winter gardening:

Winter gardening advantages

  • Require very less work

  • Low water requirements

  • Very fewer pests

  • Amazing vegetable and fruit harvest if you use premium quality seeds from plant nurseries in Mumbai.

Top Tips for Winter Gardening

  1. Cleaning

Cleaning is always an important part of gardening, but this is more so in winter when your plants can get affected by dry leaves, moisture, and other things that are more common in winter. 

Pro tips:


  • Make sure that you sweep your garden more often and with that, see that the drains are smooth to not let moisture accumulate and cause hassles like fungal infections. 

  1.  Protection

Winter is the season when you need to spare your plants. So, put those tools away for we won't be doing any pruning for a while. Divert your attention to the Christmas tree instead. It needs your attention and time. You see, this is when your plants are the most fragile and can’t be going under the knife. 

Pro tip: 

  • So, don't prune unless you see weeds that you just can’t ignore or a lot of heavy foliage. Even if you are so tempted, wait for a while. 

  • A ten to 20 percent foliage removal can be acceptable in case you need to prune.

  1. Nourishment

Now, you may wonder what kind of advice this is. Yes, plants need nourishment for the entire year. However, there is something more you need to know. 

So, if you are habituated to watering your plants when you come home every evening, it’s time to make some changes to your daily schedule. Perhaps waking up an hour early every morning, for winter is when you need to water your plants in the morning. 

It is because the water in the evening may not evaporate well, thanks to the cold night air and this makes it a good idea to do the needful in the morning. And you wouldn’t want your plants to sit in water for six to eight hours while you are sound asleep under a blanket, would you? No plant lover would want that, and we are guessing you wouldn’t want that too!

Pro tips: 

  • That said, here’s another thing you need to know. Do not water your plants in the evening. 

  • Watering plants in the morning rather than your daily evening routine. The day temperature will ensure adequate evaporation during the day and plants will not sit in the evening stagnant water for six to eight hours.

  • One must also be cautious about rose fertilizer or other fertilizer usage, particularly during winter and if one has tropical or summer plants. Since these plants have their growing period in summer, it means, they will be dormant in the cold weather, leading to over-fertilization chances.

Final thoughts

Gardening in winter is much easier if you choose the right plants, and that said, Ratanshi Agro-Hortitech, a leading plant nursery in Mumbai has many live plants online in Mumbai worth having in your garden in winter. Be it a fruit or a vegetable garden that you want, here you can shop online to find the kind of plants and best organic seeds online in India you have in mind before starting your winter garden. 

Here, one can also find a range of plant accessories like grower pots, rose fertilizers, and other equipment that you would perhaps find helpful for your winter garden. 

Plant of Muskmelon | Ratanshis

  Musk melons are fairly drought-resistant and can be grown in a hot and dry atmosphere. Ratanshis is the best plant nursery in Mumbai. Here...