Friday, August 30, 2024

Plant of Muskmelon | Ratanshis


Musk melons are fairly drought-resistant and can be grown in a hot and dry atmosphere. Ratanshis is the best plant nursery in Mumbai. Here you will get a plant of Muskmelon at the best price. Visit the website today!!

Saturday, August 24, 2024

What Are the Uses of Green Gold Fertilizer?

Green Gold fertilizer has been making noise among farmers for its eco-friendly properties and sustainability. This organic fertilizer contains animal and plant residue, making it an alternative to chemical fertilizers. The following article explains the uses and benefits of Green Gold fertilizer available at a wholesale plant nursery near you.

What is Green Gold Fertilizer?

Green Gold fertilizer finds usage in gardening and agriculture. It is an organic, pure, and solid fertilizer consisting of cow dung slurry obtained from a biogas plant. This fertilizer uses a unique dual composting method, which involves two steps- anaerobic and aerobic digestion, resulting in full decomposition. This process makes the fertilizer free of toxic fungi and bacteria. It also does not consist of weeds and has a uniform texture. The fertilizer has helpful microbes like Phosphate Solubilizing Bacteria (PSB), Nitrogen Fixer (Azotobacter), Potash Mobilizing Bacteria (KMB), and other additional micronutrients.

What are the advantages of Green Gold fertilizer?

  • Green Gold organic fertilizer is 100 percent organic and chemical-free.

  • It offers a rich organic carbon and matter.

  • Green Gold fertilizer is a 360 solution for providing essential nutrients to plants. It consists of micronutrients vital for healthy plant growth.

  • This fertilizer is void of foul odor and supplies microbes for enhancing soil properties.

  • Green Gold fertilizer enhances soil fertility and reduces reliance on chemical fertilizers.

  • Adding Green Gold to the soil makes it porous and enhances its water-retaining capacity.

  • Green Gold fertilizer accelerates fruiting & flowering and improves fast root formation.

  • This fertilizer consists of plant growth protectors and promoters and balances the soil pH.

How does Green Gold fertilizer benefit your crops and plants?

  1. Soil Enrichment: Green Gold Fertilizer contains essential nutrients like nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, which enrich the soil, and improve its fertility, soil aeration, and water retention properties.

  2. Enhanced Plant Growth: Green Gold Fertilizer is known for the slow release of nutrients in the soil. It ensures the plants get the essential nutrient supply, promoting growth and yield.

  3. Improved Soil Microbial Activity: The organic matter in Green Gold Fertilizer boosts the activity of beneficial soil microorganisms. These microorganisms enhance soil health and fertility. Improved microbial activity also aids in disease suppression, reducing the need for chemical pesticides.

  4. Environmental Benefits: Green Gold Fertilizer is eco-friendly. Unlike chemical fertilizers, it does not contribute to soil and water pollution. The use of organic fertilizers reduces the risk of harmful runoff.

  5. Sustainable Agriculture: Using Green Gold Fertilizer supports sustainable agricultural practices. It promotes organic farming by maintaining soil health.

  6. Improved Crop Quality: Crops grown with Green Gold Fertilizer often exhibit better quality like taste, nutritional value, and shelf life. The high crop quality gets high market prices and better returns for farmers.

  7. Safe for Use in Organic Farming: Green Gold Fertilizer is an excellent choice for organic farming systems. It meets the stringent requirements of organic certification bodies, ensuring that crops grown with this fertilizer can be 100 percent organic. It opens up market opportunities for farmers and meets the growing consumer demand for organic produce.

  8. Versatility in Application: Green Gold fertilizers find applications for various crops and garden plants. It is perfect for home gardens, commercial farms, and large-scale agricultural operations. Gardeners can use them for growing flowers, herbs, or staple crops.


Green Gold Fertilizer is a multi-purpose organic fertilizer for gardening and agriculture. Its extensive benefits and eco-friendly nature make it a top choice among farmers and gardeners. Moreover, it is also affordable. To know the green gold price at a wholesale plant nursery, consult Ratanshi Agro-Hortitech today. The plant nursery in Byculla, Mumbai, India, offers the best green gold fertilizer price and other gardening essentials.

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Top Benefits of Eating Drumstick

The Drumstick tree is very beneficial as the entire plant is useful, from its drumsticks to its leaves. One can consume the stem, flowers, and seeds of a drumstick plant, along with its leaves.  Scientifically known as Moringa Oleifera, this vegetable is a significant part of Indian cuisine, like Sambhar, vegetables, and more. Consuming drumsticks provides overall benefits to the body. The following article will help you know the benefits of eating drumsticks. 

hybrid drumstick seeds

Drumstick tree

Drumstick is an edible and super nutritious plant. It is known as the super plant for its powerful properties that help combat different ailments in our body. Drumstick is considered valuable in Ayurveda and other medicines due to its nutritional profile as follows:

Nutritional Profile of Drumsticks (per 100 grams)

  • Calories: 64 kcal

  • Protein: 9.4 grams

  • Fat: 1.4 grams

  • Carbohydrates: 8.3 grams

  • Fiber: 2.0 grams

  • Vitamins: A, C, and E

  • Calcium, Iron, Magnesium, Potassium

Benefits of Drumstick

  1. Boosts the Immune System:

 The high vitamin C content helps strengthen the immune system, protecting the body against infections and illnesses.

  1. Anti-inflammatory Properties:

Drumstick has anti-inflammatory compounds that can help reduce inflammation and pain in ailments like arthritis.

  1. Improves Digestion:

The drumstick plant has a high fiber content that aids in digestion, prevents constipation, and promotes regular bowel movements.

  1. Regulates Blood Sugar Levels:

Drumstick can help control blood sugar levels.

  1. Promotes Heart Health:

The antioxidants in drumsticks can help reduce cholesterol levels and improve heart health.

  1. Improve Skin Health:

This plant helps improve skin health, reduces wrinkles, and keeps the skin youthful.

  1. Strengthens the Bones:

High levels of calcium content in drumsticks strengthen the bones.


Here are some frequently asked questions (FAQs) related to the benefits of consuming drumsticks:

  1. How can I incorporate drumsticks into my diet?

One can eat drumsticks as soups, stews, curries, and stir-fries or as a powder in smoothies and juices.

  1. Are there any side effects of consuming drumsticks?

Drumsticks are generally safe for most people when consumed in moderate amounts. However, excessive consumption might lead to digestive issues. It is advisable to consult with a healthcare provider if you have any specific health concerns or conditions.

How to Grow Drumstick from seeds in your Home Garden?

  1. Purchase hybrid drumstick seeds from a reputed plant nursery in Mumbai, like Ratanshi Agro-Hortitech. Prepare the seeds by soaking them overnight, speeding up the germination process. 

  2. Plant the seeds 1 inch deep in small pots or directly in the ground. Ensure ample space (about 3 feet apart) when planting the seeds. You can also use drumstick planting. 

  3. Water thoroughly after planting. Ensure the soil is well-draining. These plants prefer sandy or loamy soil. You can always consult experts at a plant nursery near you if you are unsure how to plant drumstick seeds.

  4. Drumstick trees require plenty of sunlight, so choose a spot that receives at least 6 to 8 hours of direct sunlight.

  5. Water the seeds or cuttings immediately after planting. Ensure the soil remains moist but prevents overwatering. Drumstick trees are drought-tolerant once they are grown but need regular watering during their growth.

  6. Drumsticks generally do not require heavy fertilization, but you can use a balanced, organic fertilizer every six months.

  7. Drumstick plants are relatively pest-resistant but watch for common pests like aphids. You can use organic pesticides or neem oil, available at a plant nursery online.

  8. Drumsticks are ready to harvest when they are about 6-18 inches long, tender, and green. You can start harvesting the leaves when the tree is about 4-6 feet tall.

Final thoughts

Incorporating drumsticks into your diet can provide these health benefits, contributing to overall well-being. Growing drumsticks at home can be a rewarding experience, providing you with a continuous supply of fresh, nutritious pods and leaves. If you are looking for hybrid drumstick seeds, you can visit Ratanshi Agro-Hortitech, a plant nursery in Byculla, Mumbai, India. The wholesale plant nursery in Mumbai offers gardening supplies like live plants, gardening tools, fertilizers, and organic seeds online in India.

Monday, July 22, 2024

Verbena Seeds |


Verbenas are sturdy and can be grown all year round except in places of very cold winters. It is adaptable to most soil kinds and grows well but needs good drainage. At Ratanshis, you will get the verbena seeds at affordable price.

Thursday, July 18, 2024

How to Grow a Papaya Plant at Home?

In the world of domestic gardening, few plants are as rewarding and extraordinary because the papaya. With its lush foliage and delicious fruit, cultivating a papaya plant can deliver a hint of the tropics right to your doorstep. Whether you are a pro gardener or simply beginning out, growing papaya from seed can be an exciting and gratifying experience. In this complete guide, we can delve into the intricacies of papaya cultivation, overlaying the whole thing from deciding on the proper seeds to worrying for your plant as it matures.

1. Getting Started: Choosing the Right Seeds

The adventure of growing papaya from seed at home begins with selecting the proper seeds. Opt for extraordinary seeds from a reputable supply like Ratanshis Agro, India's largest flower nursery in Mumbai. Ensure that the seeds are fresh and viable for most reliable germination.

2. Planting Papaya Seeds

Once you've acquired your papaya seeds, it is time to plant them. Choose a quality-draining potting blend that is wealthy in natural matter. Fill a small pot or seed tray with the potting mix and plant the seeds about half an inch deep. Water the soil very well and place the pot in a heat, sunny location.

3. Germination and Seedling Care

Papaya seeds commonly germinate within two to a few weeks beneath optimal conditions. During this time, preserve the soil continuously moist but no longer waterlogged. Once the seedlings emerge, provide them with adequate sunlight and preserve to water them often. Thin out weaker seedlings to allow the most powerful ones to thrive.

4. Transplanting Seedlings

When the seedlings have advanced several genuine leaves and are about six inches tall, it's time to transplant them into larger pots or at once into the floor in case you stay in warm weather. Choose a sunny vicinity with properly-draining soil for transplanting. Handle the seedlings carefully to keep away from unfavorable their sensitive roots.

5. Papaya Plant Care

Once your papaya flora are established, they require surprisingly low preservation but nonetheless need proper care to thrive:

  • Watering: Papaya flora have shallow root structures and require regular watering, particularly throughout dry periods. However, be careful now not to overwater, as this will result in root rot.
  • Fertilization: Feed your papaya plant life with a balanced fertilizer every 4 to six weeks at some point of the growing season to increase health and fruit production.
  • Pruning: Remove any useless or broken leaves as needed to keep plant health. Pruning also can assist enhance air circulation and prevent sickness.
  • Pest and Disease Control: Keep an eye out for not unusual pests along with aphids and spider mites, and treat them promptly with insecticidal soap or neem oil. Additionally, exercise good sanitation to save you from the spread of illnesses.

6. Pollination

One of the particular components of developing papaya vegetation is their pollination process. Papaya flowers are dioecious, meaning they've separate male and female plants on special plants. To make sure fruit manufacturing, you will want both male and female plants. If you've got the best plant, recall acquiring a slicing from a recognised woman plant or hand-pollinating the plant life using a small brush.

7. Harvesting Papaya Fruit

With the right care, your papaya plant will praise you with an ample harvest of delicious fruit. Papayas normally take 6 to 9 months to mature from seedling to fruit-bearing plant. Harvest the fruit when it reaches full length and has advanced a yellow-orange hue. Use a sharp knife to reduce the fruit from the plant, taking care not to damage the stem.


Growing a papaya plants nursery in mumbai can be a gratifying revel in that allows you to enjoy the tropical flavor of fresh papaya fruit right from your very own garden. By following the stairs mentioned in this guide and presenting your vegetation with the care they want, you may correctly cultivate papayas even in non-tropical climates. Remember to source awesome seeds from authentic nurseries like Ratanshis Agro to set yourself up for success from the start. With persistence, willpower, and a touch of success, you'll be taking part in homegrown papaya fruit very quickly.

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Portulaca Seeds |


Low-growing, fleshy annuals, portulacas have brilliantly colored flowers that open in the sun and close in the shade. Their modest height and spreading tendency make them great for ground cover and balconies. Shop online for portulaca seeds at

Saturday, July 13, 2024

How to Grow Verbena Flower from Seeds At Home?

Verbena flowers are known for their floral clustered bloom. These colorful florals impart a beautiful edge to your garden. Verbena flowers are available in extensive color varieties, making them a top choice among gardeners to elevate the look of their garden and add a touch of vibrant color. If you are a gardening enthusiast who wants to grow these colorful flowers in your home garden, this guide is just for you!

Verbena flower

Verbena is an annual plant and has over 250 varieties. These annuals are notable for their cluster growth, color varieties, and pollinating properties, attracting pollinators like bees and butterflies to your garden. Verbenas are also known as vervain. While they are a common annual flowering plant, they can also be sometimes grown as perennials. These flowers have distinct dark green leaves and color varieties like pink, red, purple, blue, white, etc.  This plant requires full sunlight, well-draining soil, and moist temperature, thus making it a great choice in Indian terrain. 

Varieties Of Verbena

  • Trailing verbena

  • Purple top verbena

  • Tuberous vervain

  • Moss verbena

  • Brazilian verbena

  • California vervain

  • White curtain

  • Blue vervain

  • Blue princess verbena

How to grow Verbena flowers using seeds?

Following are the steps to grow Verbena flowers using Verbena seeds: 

  • Location: Verbena seeds need full sunlight. You must choose a location receiving ample sunlight (at least six to eight hours).  
  • Soil: Verbena flowers require rich soil mixed with compost or pot mix. It does not have any specific soil type requirement however the soil must have ample drainage. Avoid using clay or compact soil, as it can cause root rot. 
  • Seeds preparation: It is essential to source high-quality verbena seeds to ensure you get a good bloom. Experts recommend sourcing organic seeds online in India from a plant nursery or a wholesale plant nursery near you. Soak the seeds in overnight to accelerate the germination process.
  • Planting the verbena seeds: Once you prepare the soil, loosen it and ensure you plant the seeds six inches deep and 12 inches apart. Ensure you cover the seeds lightly with soil, allowing them to breathe.
  • Watering: These flowers require less moist soil and can tolerate drought conditions to some extent. Adding excess water to your verbena flower can lead to mildew or root rot. Ensure the soil is dry before you water the plant again.
  • Fertilizing: Verbena flower can bloom well with a slow-release NPK fertilizer. You can also use organic fertilizers each month. If you are unsure about the plant’s fertilizer requirements or how to use fertilizers for floral plants, consult experts at plant nurseries in Mumbai like Ratanshi Agro-Hortitech.
  • Pruning: Cut the spent verbena flowers using gardening scissors. You can also trim the plants per your garden trail during its blooming season, allowing new flowers and growth. 

Frequently asked questions

  1. Are verbena flow perennial or annual?

The verbena flowers are mostly grown as annual hybrids. However, some varieties, like the Purpletop verbena growing in warm climates, are grown as perennials.

  1. Can verbena survive in partial sunlight?

Verbena is a sun-loving floral plant and requires a minimum of 6 to 10 hours of full sunlight daily.

  1. In how many days do verbenas blossom or acquire full bloom?

Verbena plants typically take around 90 to 100 days from sowing verbena seeds to reach full bloom.

Final thoughts!

Growing verbena from seeds in your home garden is a delightful and relatively simple gardening project if you choose the right products. To ensure you get a full bloom from your verbena seeds, always source organic seeds online in India from reputed nurseries like Ratanshi Agro-Hortitech. You can also choose other gardening supplies from the plant nursery in Mumbai! Happy gardening!

Plant of Muskmelon | Ratanshis

  Musk melons are fairly drought-resistant and can be grown in a hot and dry atmosphere. Ratanshis is the best plant nursery in Mumbai. Here...